Saturday, January 25, 2020
Study On Charismatic Leadership Management Essay
Study On Charismatic Leadership Management Essay Introduction Nowadays, managing people is a common issue on all type of businesses but it is important. To effectively and efficiently leading the personnel in the organization without wasting intellectual capital or the companys resources is the ideal that organizations want to achieve. In our research, we attempt to clarify the correlation between the charismatic leadership and the organizational change. Charisma is the extraordinary ability that a person possesses naturally and let them able to influence people, attract their attention and admiration. Charismatic leadership is the type of leadership which make people admire and willing to follow them. Charismatic leader is a person who is dominant, self-confident, convinced of the moral righteousness of his beliefs, and able to arouse a sense of excitement and adventure in followers. According to Max Weber, Charismatic leader has a fire that ignites followers energy and commitment, which produce results beyond the call of duty. Thus, he had the ability to inspire and motivate people. There are several qualities of Charismatic leadership: Lofty visions Ability to understand and empathize Empowering and trusting subordinates Proactive, high energy and action orientation Everything is changing except the status quo of change. Every individuals, every things, could not running out of the scope of change. Similarly to organization, changes will always affects every part of the companies include their business, their environment, their people and so on. The Objective of this report is to enhance the leading style of charismatic leadership on the organizational change. Besides, improve the organization to adapt to the changes of environment, and the organization growth through globalization. Content Analysis From the study, the researchers found that the followers who rated their leaders as charismatic also reported being open and accepting the changes occurring in their organization. Specifically, followers of charismatic leaders were much more open to their work-roles changes and had a positive outlook on the benefits of the changes to their organization. Given the nature of organizational change and the pervasiveness of employee resistance to change, this finding suggests that charismatic leadership behaviours may engender follower attitudes and beliefs that promote rather than resist organizational change. Besides, a necessary ingredient of successful organizational change is leadership behaviour capable of overcoming resistance to change by causing followers to experience a felt need for the proposed changes. Indeed, the results suggest that charismatic leadership behaviours, including the ability to powerfully articulate an inspiring vision and communicate to followers a sense of ownership of the vision, may affect followers openness to organizational change and perceptions of leadership effectiveness. (Kevin, 2005, p. 19) In conclusion, the effectiveness of the charismatic leadership will influence the followers behaviour. From the study, the researchers found that the both of the visionary and expressive delivery components of charismatic leadership can influence follower task performance. The expressive delivery includes having energy, leaning toward followers, maintaining direct eye contact, having a relaxed posture, and exhibiting animated facial expressions. Second, they also found that the extent to which each of these components affects the follower task performance is dependent on the type of tasks in which followers are engaged. They suggested that organizations should consider the importance of performance quantity versus quality in their decision to select or promote a charismatic leader or non-charismatic leader. For example, if performance quality is much more important than quantity, the use of charismatic vision might be especially relevant. Regarding task type, charismatic leaders in non-charisma-conducive jobs or industries might be encouraged to adopt a contingent-reward or structuring style of leadership rather than focusing on the communication of a charismatic vision to followers. When followers are in a more charisma conducive job or industry, leaders should communicate a vision to followers to improve followers task performance. In addition, a charismatic vision may provide meaning to the task, which can add to followers motivation. Under these conditions, followers might work to get the task done right, resulting in high quality rather than simply working to get the task done. A lack of vision for followers could, therefore, translate into very poor performance on more difficult tasks. (Stefanie Robert, 2008, p. 102) Charismatic leader Work Engagement OCB In the diagram above, it is the combination of the four hypotheses. Four of the hypotheses are all links with each other. Work engagement is a mediator which is likely an intermediary trying to find solution and between the two disagreement of two parties (charismatic leader and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour-OCB). OCB is defined as individual behaviour that is discretionary. The relationship between charismatic leaders is also closely related. As OCB discuss mainly about the organization behaviour, it will also reflect charismatic leadership. Since charismatic leaders can spark an employees engagement in work, it will lead to more participation in positive behaviours that promote the organization. In the journal Toward a Behavioural Theory of Charismatic Leadership in Organizational Settings, there are some significant variables discussed. The term charisma here refers to the particular type of character by follower and leaders behaviour. First, the behavioural and nature of the charismatic leader can be determined by doing empirical test. The method can through questionnaire to identify it. Then, they can use the result to compare with the person to find out that whether he is a charismatic or non charismatic leader. Second, after determining charismatic leader, it can be use as a tool to change the organization. A charismatic leader may not only key to success of an organization but also vital to countries that are developing which may require to adopt new technologies and transform traditional way of operating. From the study of Workgroup gender diversity-asymmetric among men and women, the need of charismatic leadership is generated from a situation of uneasiness and uncertainty created in context of weak social diversity. For example, increasing levels of gender diversity comes with lower levels of pro-social behaviour where the behaviour that is beyond the requirements of the job, higher levels of conflict, lower levels of friendliness, and lower levels of job-related satisfaction and self-esteem. This situation brings indefinite and doubtful social circumstance when role expectations are less clear. The reason of these negative effects of gender heterogeneity comes from similarity-attraction paradigm, which is people with similar attitudes are attracted among themselves, in contrast, distrust and discomfort could occur when dissimilarity of attribute in group are happened. In the circumstance of gender heterogeneity, tendency of needs of charismatic leadership is greater than in homogen eous group or attribution of charisma is lower in homogeneous group than in heterogeneity group. Meanwhile, the hypotheses are made based on the journal. Hypothesis said that as the level of gender diversity increases in the work team, individual members would attribute higher levels of charismatic leadership to their elected leader and the result are partially supports this hypothesis. So, as expected, the higher the gender diversity, the higher the needs of charismatic leadership to their elected leader. Besides, they also made a hypothesis that the positive effect of gender diversity on individual charismatic relationship with the leader will be stronger for men than for women. The result shown that, it may happen when teams are formed in major; minor or a balanced condition. From the journal of Team climate, work team members tend to share their mood at work, so called team affective climate that related to job satisfaction, commitment, and performance of the workers. Related with the climate, team leaders need to play an important role in influencing individuals different dimensions and modelling the group climate. The key is leaders with charisma, which can strongly influences the work-team effects, such as performance and other intangible aspects. In fact, charismatic leadership is said to be the result of an attribution based on followers perception of their leaders behaviour, specifically behaviours that articulate and help build a positive vision and foster an impression of the importance of the followers mission. Hence, leader with charisma is said to have an important implication of building team affective climate and they need to articulate a constructive affect that results in a positive affect facing by followers. From the study, they had made few hypotheses. First, they posit that higher levels of perceived leaders charisma will predict higher levels of team optimism whereas higher levels of perceived leaders charisma will predict lower levels of team tension. As the result, team optimism and charisma leaders are correlated meanwhile lower levels of team tension cannot create by charisma leaders. Besides that, they also hypothesizes that Leaders influence will make the positive relationship between leaders charisma and team optimism stronger; at the same time, leaders influence will make the negative relationship between leaders charisma and team tension stronger. The result shown that, both hypotheses are supported by their findings. Lastly, they had made guesses that more frequent leaders interaction will make the positive relationship between leaders charisma and team optimism stronger and negative relationship between leaders charisma and team tension stronger. After they had processed th eir findings, the result showed that both guesses are not correct. From the study of Political Connection: The Missing Dimension in Leadership, Strong Networks cans Supplement Other Leadership Deficiencies. While, Larry Chasteen, the PhD holder state out that many people will think leadership is just a part of the business. It is a key ingredient for successful firm, making profit or non profit and even using in the countries. They have examines in the combination of traits to find out the change in organization behaviour in the organization. Some even use more than three of the traits such as emotional intelligence versus intellectual quotient or charismatic leadership versus instrumental leadership. The Classical Myers Briggs has made a classification on uses the four dimensions. There are physics notes that more dimension will lead to confusing from explaining our original traits. This article just focus on leadership :charismatic leadership instrumental leadership and political connections .These three tools can be use as a tool for self-assessment .It has combine the attributes of leaders , managers and networking. The research showing a charismatic leader is not enough to change the organization in long term as it can wear off easily .The instrumental leadership has been include the strength of charismatic leadership. It will lay over through structuring , controlling and rewarding to give out support for achieving the organization final goal .Charismatic leadership is needed to generate the initial energy and to create commitment. Many government and industry leaders who uses charismatic and instrumental leadership have fail to make changes to the organizations. For example, Colin Powell has exhibit a great charismatic and instrumental that serve him exceptionally well during his early career. But because of his lack of political support, he has been hindered of accomplishment and legacy as a U.S. Secretary of State. However, Condoleezza have a political connections led to a longer-lasting accomplishments at the Department of State. As a fact, General Electric has passing by such a leadership matrix to allow more variation in selected parameters for company decisions. In a great changing of an organization, charismatic is not enough to achieve an effective institutional re-organization. It requires both the charismatic and instrumental leadership as well with political powers to move on to the higher position. A good political connection can overcome the weakness of the leadership and bring strength in any firms and government offices. Make sure you are clear enough on which goals are most important and for the organization are the first steps to career advancement. From the study of Charismatic Leadership: A Phenomenological and Structural Approach The author of this journal propose that the most direct impact of the visionary charismatics characteristics is on the perceptions and feelings of the followers. Their interpretative schemes and what flows from them purposefully, emotionally and motivationally. Intrinsic and extrinsic validity are experienced whenever perceptions and feelings are congruent with behaviour is congruent with consequences. Changes in follower perceptions, feelings or behaviour in the consequences of that behaviour therefore could establish the necessary conditions for phenomenological validity to be experienced. The direct impacts of leader behaviour on the feelings of followers will an indirect impact on the followers. As an example, when leaders changes task or environmental variables, which hypothesized to affect internal and external correspondence such as task design, reward systems, and organizational structure. There are some proposition consists in charismatic leadership. Proposition is that it believes that it must be based on the articulation of an ideological goal. The writers may not fully agree as in crisis situation, ideological is too restrictive to be broadening to include the cognitions, values and need structures. Propositions 2 will lets he followers experiencing the leaders and others behaviours as well as their own. Propositions 3 to 8 primarily concern factors that influence whether cognitions and feelings and behaviours will be high on internal correspondence and will be experienced by the followers as intrinsically valid. Propositions 9 to 15 is concern about the primarily thought to affect external correspondence. The implication of the writer model is that charismatic effect may not be limited to a few who are endowed with exceptional gifts or supernatural qualities. They imply that charismatic effect may be widespread. They feel that their model invites an understanding of meaning, reasons motivations, and intentions as it seeks explanatory connections between formal structural arrangements and behaviour. From the study of The role of emotional intelligence and personality variables on attitudes toward organizational change People-oriented research in organizational change explored issues of charismatic or transformational leadership, the role of top management in organizational change and the phenomenon of resistance to change, without considering the psychological traits or predispositions of individuals experiencing the change, which are equally crucial for its success. Nevertheless, they argued that individual difference variables, such as locus of control, positive affectivity, openness to experience and tolerance for ambiguity play an important role in employees work attitudes (e.g. organizational commitment, satisfaction) as well as they predict self and supervisory assessments of coping with change. King and Anderson (1995) also indicated the role of individual differences along with previous bad experiences of change as responsible for high levels of negative attitudes and re sistance to change. It shows that there is correlation between charismatic leaderships role perception, personality and organisational change. From the study of Beyond the Charismatic Leader: Leadership and Organizational Change By: David A. Nadler Michael L. Tushman While the subject of leadership has received much attention over the years, the more specific issue of leadership during periods of change has only recently attracted serious attention. What emerges from various discussions of leadership and organizational change is a picture of the special kind of leadership that appears to be critical during times of strategic organizational change. While various words have been used to portray this type of leadership, we prefer the label charismatic leader. It refers to a special quality that enables the leader to mobilize and sustain activity within an organization through specific personal actions combined with perceived personal characteristics. There are three types of behaviour that categorises these leaders. They are envisioning, energising and enabling. In envisioning, it involves the creation of a picture of the future, or of a desired future state with which people can identify and which can generate excitement. By creating vision, the leader provides a vehicle for people to develop commitment, a common goal around which people can rally, and a way for people to feel successful. It is then easier to achieve the new organisational goals. Energising means that the role of leaders to motivate members in the organisation. Different leaders engage in energizing in different ways, but some of the most common include demonstration of their own personal excitement and energy, combined with leveraging that excitement through direct personal contact with large numbers of people in the organization. They express confidence in their own ability to succeed. They find, and use, successes to celebrate progress towards the vision. Las tly, enabling is where the leader psychologically helps people act or perform in the face of challenging goals. Charismatic leaders demonstrate empathy-the ability to listen, understands, and shares the feelings of those in the organization. They express support for individuals. Because of this, people tend to be motivated in achieving their goals when there is change in the organisation. From the study Journal of ERP Implementation lifecycle, it revealing the changes made by the charismatic leadership. Charismatic leadership is an exemplary type of leadership that shows significant relationship to the level of ERP assimilation. Environmental sensitivity of a charismatic leader will lead the organization change and make significant improvement to the organization since he is able to diagnose and update himself to the internal and external environment. Communication of the leaders vision is significantly important it will influence and lead his follower to align the vision with the organization and make the organization growth stronger and change accordingly to the leaders vision. Expectation of leader also will indicate a positive outcome from his follower and organization. According to Self-fulfilling prophecy, positive expectation from a leader will create a positive desired result from his followers. It shows that, the complete guide and influences of the vision from a leader toward his followers, will affect them to be motivated and collaborated to help in achieving the vision of the leader. Furthermore, complete guide and influences of the vision from a leader toward his followers, will make them to be motivated and collaborated themselves that help in achieving the vision of the leader. Similarly caring of the leader will make the followers feel more supported and secure and trust to the leader. Besides, it also builds confident to the followers. If the leader is trusted and respected by his followers, his followers are more likely to follow and help the leader to achieve his vision. Therefore, the followers do not mind to work hard for achieving the organization vision and thus the organization change and performance increase. Cohesiveness from the follower shows changes in organizational norms and culture. It shows that a positive norms and culture such as organizational citizenship behaviour. Thus, the cohesiveness of the follower will indicate changes in organizational norms and culture, if this type of positive norms and culture stay longer; the growth of the organization will be undoubtedly fast. It shows that a leaders charismatic leadership is significantly related to organizational change and all level of ERP implementation lifecycle. Conclusion: In our research there are significant relationship between Charismatic leadership and Organisational Change. Firstly, it shows that a Charismatic leadership behaviour is an exemplary or model for his followers which enable and capable for overcoming the constraints for organisational change. It drives the followers to learn from many aspect of the charismatic leader. Significantly, the behaviour of the leader creates organisational citizenship behaviour toward the employees that allow them to take good care about the organisation image and the internal environment. Similarly to the norms of working of employees, it is also creating a working culture and work standard that improving the performance in an organisation. Secondly, the role perception of a Charismatic leadership is significant important as well as the personal meaning for the leadership. It influences their follower understand of their role and this will incur the organisational change. Form this aspect, it shows that if the leader able to give motivation, support and cheer the work of employees will smoothen the organisational changing process. Thirdly, the relationship and collaboration among group, team and the charismatic leadership also will indicate significant changes in the organisation performance and organisational culture. Similarly to the workgroup diversity, the strong and cohesiveness workgroup will indicate high performance culture that makes the organisation have high sustainability where the entire organisation culture can aligns with the organisational performance. Lastly, good attribution from charismatic leadership such as environmental sensitivity, persuasive communication, and unconventional vision will foster and lead the changes in the organisational environment. Recommendation Unconventional styles used by charismatic leader will often create the undesired conflicts among the colleagues in the organisation as changing the status quo of works. Therefore the charismatic leader had to consider the others feelings and try to make them follow and align with his vision even if he is able to take the accountability and risk by himself. Morals are often covered up by the deficiencies of wisdom. However, wisdom is not always filled up by morals. This is referring to the negative charismatic leadership. Some charismatic leaders tend to use the leadership style for their own personal gain and thus neglect the moral values. In order to manage change in the organization efficiently, charismatic leaders must put the organizations interest above his personal interest. Being a charismatic leader gives an advantage to him because he may influence others in the organization to follow his bidding and if it is against the organizations interest, it will be very much unhealthy to it. That is the reason why charismatic leaders should have strong moral values in them. Besides that, organizations should also encourage whistle blowing in the company. This can help reduce the negative charismatic leadership from expanding in the organization. When an organization is facing with changes, it will be chaotic and this will give chances to charismatic leaders to do under the table exchanges. By encouraging such behaviour among employees, executives are able to keep most charismatic leaders under control from influencing others for personal gain. Charismatic leaders should also make contingency plans. This serves as a backup plan when the original plan fails to work. During a change, charismatic leaders may be responsible to keep followers in track and to maintain order. This needs the leaders to come out with more plans to keep followers motivated into accepting the change. Some employees tend to resist change and so the charismatic leaders must form plans and considering the scenarios that may happen so that it will make him or her influence them to accept the changes. In addition, during a huge crisis, these charismatic leaders must think conventionally and behave unconventionally. During a change, things will be hectic and many problems may arise or perhaps conflict may happen among followers. Leaders need to think rationally on how to handle this kind of situation and not just simply jump into it and create even more confusion. Charismatic leaders should also come up with strategies to minimize the resistance of followers to the change. Many followers tend to resist change because they think that it is going to mess up their normal routine. As a leader, charismatic leaders need to come up with ways to persuade these types of followers to accept the change instead of going against it in order to reduce the conflict that might have arise if it is not handled properly.
Friday, January 17, 2020
1. The large difference between how I have thought and understood success compared to the way Malcolm Gladwell argues is the circumstances and families that create success. Previous to reading this book, I strongly believed that the way to become successful was to put in hard work. For example, my theory to success was similar along the lines to what Malcolm Gladwell discusses earlier in the book. He says, â€Å"Practice isn’t the thing you do once you’re good. It’s the thing you do that makes you good†(Gladwell, 2008). I believed if you practiced what you want to be successful at everyday, you would eventually end up reaching your goal.However, after reading Malcolm Gladwell’s opinion my beliefs are now different. One of the more important examples Malcolm Gladwell mentions that showed how different I thought was the success story of Bill Gates. I personally believed that Bill Gates was successful only because he was an intelligent man who was driv en by hard work and his goal to create the personal computer. Previous to this novel my only education on Bill Gates was from reading short articles about him and from what I have heard from friends and teachers. What I did not know about Bill Gates was his given circumstance and the support from his family and others.Malcolm Gladwell mentions that there important opportunities that were â€Å"incredible lucky series of events†(Gladwell, 2008), that created his success. Some of the opportunities Bill Gates was given were his â€Å"free computer time at the University of Washington†(Gladwell, 2008) and also previous to that his mother along with others â€Å"had enough money to pay for his high school Lakesides computer fees†(Gladwell, 2008). Without the circumstance of Bill Gates receiving free computer time, chances are he wouldn’t have been nearly as intelligent and innovative with computers as he is today.To reiterate Malcolm Gladwell’s argument about super achievers are successful because of their families, in Bill Gates circumstance it is true. He wouldn’t have had the opportunity to practice with computers at a young age if his mother couldn’t afford to pay for the schools computer fees. Based on Bill Gates example Malcolm Gladwell writes about, it creates a credible argument to how he believes how to become successful. I did not even consider before reading this novel that family and the fortunate circumstances you are given are a substantial part to ones success.However, now it is crucial that it is not overlooked. 2. In my opinion, the â€Å"cultural language†in the United States varies across the country depending on where you are from. I believe that in some regions of the United States the cultural language is similar to the language represented by the co-pilot Koltz in â€Å"The Ethnic Theory of Plane Crashes†(Gladwell, 2008). However, I also believe in other vicinities in the United States the cultural language is outgoing and in the situation presented in the plane crash chapter, the cultural language would have been much more extrovert.The cultural language across the United States has emerged and evolved based on where you and your parents are from and how you were raised. Moments before the plane â€Å"Avianca 052†(Gladwell, 2008) crashed after running out of fuel, Co-Pilot Mauricio Klotz attempted to warn Kennedy Airport that their airplane did not have the sufficient amount of fuel to land. However, because Klotz was using â€Å"his own cultural language†, the controllers were not able to comprehend the trouble Avianca 052 was really in. I believe Klotz’s mitigated speech during this problem is similar to some cultural languages in the United States.For example, Malcolm Gladwell discusses Robert Sternberg’s theory of â€Å"practical intelligence†(Gladwell, 2008). To Sternberg, practical intelligence is â€Å"knowledge t hat helps out read situations correctly and get what you want†(Gladwell, 2008). It is clear that Klotz’s cultural language lacked practical intelligence. However, I believe numerous cultures in the United States also lack the same intelligence. Malcolm Gladwell recalls a study where â€Å"Annette Lareau conducted a fascinating study of a group of third graders†(Gladwell, 2008). Results of the study showed that lower-class children are â€Å"quiet and submissive†(Gladwell, 2008).Therefore, children and adults who are from lower-class families very well could have responded the same way Klotz did during a time of emergency. The cultural language of the United States can also be outgoing and far from â€Å"quiet and submissive†. Malcolm Gladwell discusses the South and the personalities people possess there. From results of an experiment, it had shown that Southerners were more willing to stand up for themselves. The experiment consisted of calling the m an â€Å"asshole†to see if it â€Å"caused their levels of testosterone and cortisol-the hormones that drive arousal and aggression-to go up†(Gladwell, 2008).The results were the Southerners â€Å"were angry, their cortisol and testosterone jumped. Their handshakes got firm†. It is easy to predict how a Southerner would have reacted to a plane moment’s way from crashing if they react strongly to simply being called a derogatory name. My guess is that if a Southerner was a co-pilot, the controllers at Kennedy Airport would have understood the trouble the airplane was in. I believe our vast cultural language derived from what Malcolm Gladwell would call â€Å"the culture of honor†(Gladwell, 2008).The â€Å"culture of honor†describes people behave the way they do because of where â€Å"you grew up or where your parents grew up†¦where your great-grandparents and your great-great-grandparents grew up and even where your great-great-gre at-grandparents grew up†(Gladwell, 2008). This explains our difference in the United States culture because the majority of the people living in the United States families were once immigrants. People come from all over the world to live in the U. S. and that is why are culture is different from any others.I believe our vast cultural language works in favor with our social structure because it matches with the supply and demand of our economy. For example, there are plenty of jobs in the United States where people who respect their superiors and are afraid to speak up can work. Also, there are opportunities to open up your own business if you contain traits similar to Malcolm Gladwell’s example of a Southerner and do not mesh well with being told what to do. 3. When Gladwell says that biologists talk about the ‘ecology’ of an organism he is referring to why certain organisms are more successful than others.Malcolm Gladwell is inferring that the â€Å"talle st oak in the forest is the tallest not just because it grew from the hardiest acorn†(Gladwell, 2008). It is the tallest oak in the forest because of many more reasons. Reasons that include luck and some things that cannot be controlled. For example, when discussing about oak trees, Gladwell mentions that one oak tree is the tallest because â€Å"no other tree blocked its sunlight†¦no rabbit chewed through its bark†¦ and no lumberjack cut it down before it matured†(Gladwell, 2008).Gladwell’s point of the ecology of this certain tree is that is it the most successful because of certain circumstances it was placed in. The â€Å"Matthew Effect†or also known as â€Å"accumulative advantage†is when â€Å"those who are successful are most likely to be given the kinds of special opportunities that lead to further success†(Gladwell, 2008). Malcolm Gladwell’s example of accumulative advantage is hockey players and how at a young age they achieve success. Gladwell discusses that â€Å"the professional hockey player starts out a little bit better than his peers.And that little difference leads to an opportunity that makes that difference a bit bigger†(Gladwell, 2008). An important implication of the hockey example is that the similarities in the age of the hockey players who have had success. The majority of the hockey players in Canada are born in â€Å"January, February, and March†(Gladwell, 2008). Because of the fact that these professional hockey players were born in the beginning of the year they had an advantage over those who were born later in the year.The reason why they have an advantage is because when they were young they were bigger and more matured than those who were born later in the year. Since that these hockey players were bigger than the other kids they were given the opportunity to play hockey at more of an elite level. This is a prime example of â€Å"The Matthew Effect†and it explains that ones who are successful are given more opportunities to be more successful. However, accumulative advantage and ecology both are very similar.For example, along with the accumulative advantage in the hockey player instance there is also ecology to it. As mentioned earlier, the ecology of an organism is lucky or uncontrollable circumstances that occur. For the most part, the date of birth of a person is often uncontrollable and is not often planned. Accumulative advantage and ecology as seen in this example, are often correlated with one another. In both the Matthew Effect and the ecology and an organism, people are given a better opportunity. References Gladwell, M. (2008). Outliers. New York: Little,Brown and Company.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Paper - 1220 Words
BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW Bally Total Fitness was created in 1996 with Lee Hillman as its first CEO. Bally traces its existence to the Health and Tennis Corporation, run by Dave Wildman. Wildman had begun to purchase ailing gyms and aggressively expanded and acquired several other brands as well. In the 1990s, as part of a diversification move, Bally Manufacturing, a gambling equipment company, decided to purchase Wildman’s collection of gyms and other brands. This diversification of brands created what was known as Bally Entertainment. Bally Total Fitness was then created in 1996 as the health club portion of Bally Entertainment. Lee Hillman started the company off in an unusual path, Mr. Hillman used a retrenchment strategy by selling off†¦show more content†¦Citizenship- In 2003, Bally launched a comprehensive nutritional and exercise program customized to an individual’s unique metabolism. The programs objective was to offer consultation to member who has weight-loss goals and to co nstruct for each member a tailored combination of an exercise regime, personal training, and an approach to diet and nutrient. Bally’s had launched a line of nutritional supplements and meal-replacement items. This demonstrates how Bally is trying to relate on a personable level with their clients. Survival- Bally Total Fitness’ survival method was changing the 36-month commitment to Pay-as-you-go for memberships. A number of member complained about cancellation requests that were not honored, the use of harassment or deceptive means to collect fees, and the unauthorized charging of credit card or debiting from bank accounts. In response, Bally began to experiment with pay-as-you-go memberships. This newly acquired method constituted for 8% of memberships in 2004 up from 3% in 2003. Which ultimately lead to an increase in overall gross profit margin from the previous year. 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There are three categories of paper that can be used as feedstocks for making recycled paper: mill broke, pre-consumer waste, and post-consumer waste.[1] Mill broke is paper trimmings and other paper scrap from the manufacture of paper, and is recycled internally in a paper mill. Pre-consumer waste is material which left the paper mill but was discarded before it was ready for consumer use. Post-consumer wasteRead MoreCarabao Grass Paper17210 Words  | 69 PagesINTRODUCTION History Paper is believed to have originated in China sometime around A.D. 105. Its invention is credited to a Chinese artisan by the name of Tsai-Lun. Tsai Lun created the first type of paper by mixing macerated cellulose fiber with water. His method was simple. He beat rags to a pulp and diluted this with lots of water. He then drained the resultant mixture through a form of a sieve. The fibers matted together and, when it dried, formed what we know now as paper. This papermaking process
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Factors Affecting the Success of Hitler, the Opportunist...
Adolf Hitler’s rise to power can be largely attributed to his ability to make use of events that happened in Weimar Germany, however much of his success came from careful, precise planning. Life after World War One was difficult for all Germans; the country was in political chaos with other factors leading to the relatively easy rise to power of Hitler. During the Stresemann years Germany started to rebuild itself leading which required Hitler to very carefully plan the ways in which he conducted himself, his party and the information that he released to the public. When Germany plunged into the depression it created another opportune moment for Hitler to strike but he did so through the use of carefully manipulated propaganda which had to†¦show more content†¦In hindsight the treaty may have been a mistake, â€Å"All people affected by the war wanted Germany to be punished. It is erroneous to place the full burden of the war on Germany†. During this time of un rest there were many uprisings and murders. The Communists were particularly fierce in their ideals in 1920 a Communist newspaper stated that â€Å"There can only be one salvation for the German people. The red flag must wave over the whole of Germany.†Another party chief among the uprisings was The Nationalist Socialist Party, the Nazis. Their demonstrations culminated in the Munich, or Beer Hall, Putsch in 1923. After the war hyperinflation was uncontrollable, in 1923 a loaf of bread cost 428,000,000,000 marks, this coupled with the occupation of the Ruhr and the â€Å"passive resistance†campaign the situation in Germany was deteriorating rapidly. In 1919 Hitler had joined the German Workers Party, which was both nationalistic and anti-Semitic. By 1923 he had renamed it the Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi), he was in control of the whole organisation and had formed the SA. In 1923 Hitler led the Munich Putsch which consisted of a large meeting and a march through Munich. The Putsch was unsuccessful with 16 Nazis and two Police officers killed and 10 people, including Hitler, arrested and tried. This sequence of events clearly shows how the right events occurring at the right time aidedShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesto impoverished peasants burning away the rain forest for land to plant their crops or pasture their cattle, he seeks to identify the specific agents responsible for both pollution and ecological degradation. And he tracks underlying trends and factorsâ€â€such as rapid population growth, rampant consumerism, and global warfareâ€â€that have contributed to global climate change. Tucker concludes his rather pessimistic assessment of these key dimensions of the twentieth-century experience with cautionary
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